Emergency management is a broad and expansive part of our society and may include many disciplines including law enforcement, fire service, and emergency medical services, etc. Although each individual and organization may perceive emergency management in different ways, most agree that taking care of people is always the top priority. Taking care of people involves life safety response operations first, followed by emergency human services. Emergency human services incorporates many functions which include mass care (sheltering, feeding, distribution of relief supplies, etc.), long-term recovery case management, rebuilding, repair, disaster mental health services, disaster health services, volunteer management, donations management and many other potential functions.
Given the range of functions, organizing and coordinating emergency human services is no small task at any level. Nationwide, the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (National VOAD) serves as the coordinating body. At the state level, such as in Missouri, associations like the Missouri Governor’s Faith-Based and Community Service Partnership for Disaster Recovery (The Partnership) and the Missouri Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (MO VOAD) support an integrated system of coordination. Promoted at the local community level (city, county or regional), Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD) play the crucial role of coordinating emergency human services at the very basic level.
Sometimes, instead of a local group called a COAD, the role of community coordination is undertaken by similar organizations such as a local Citizen Corps Council, Caring Community Association, local/sub-state Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD), or some other local community collaborative association. Any of these groups—regardless of title—can take on the role of coordinating emergency human services, as long as they work in concert with key partner agencies including, but not limited to, the local emergency management agency, community organizations, faith-based organizations, and social service agencies, etc.