Delta Regional Authority (DRA) & States’ Economic Development Assistance Program (SEDAP)
The DRA was established in 2000 by Congress and serves 252 counties and parishes within the eight states of the Delta Region which include Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee. The DRA has worked to improve the lives of the 10 million people who live in the Delta through job creation and retention.
The DRA makes strategic investments of federal appropriations into the physical and human infrastructure of the Delta communities. The main investment tool used by the DRA is the SEDAP which provides direct investment into community-based and regional projects that address the DRA’s congressionally mandated four funding priorities. The priorities are as follows:
1. Basic Public Infrastructure 2. Transportation Infrastructure 3. Business Development 4. Workforce Development, emphasizing entrepreneurship
SCOCOG assists member cities and counties in its seven county region with applications for the SEDAP grant program from DRA. Below is a link to the Delta Regional Authority website: